· Only a quarter of Americans feel well informed about managing household finances.
· Between 25 and 56 million Americans do not have a bank account.
· Personal savings as a percentage of disposable personal income decreased from 11.2% in the early 1980s to 0% in the first and second quarters of 2005.
· In a 2003 survey, the median reported value of all household retirement savings was only $40,000, and 25% of those surveyed had no retirement account at all. Only 47% of Americans are either somewhat or very confident that they will have saved enough for retirement.
· Among parents with children 5 or older, only 26% feel well prepared to teach their kids about basic personal finances.
· Based on a national survey of high school seniors, America 's teenagers as a group in 2004 score a failing grade in basic financial literacy knowledge.
· Saving versus spending was talked about in 57% of homes. Fewer than 40% of parents said they talked about credit cards, loans and debt, and their own family finances with their kids. Even less talked with their children about how to invest their money.
· 53 % of parents agree that their child thinks "money grows on trees."
Whether you are a parent, teacher, or community organizer the consequences of being financially illiterate are catastrophic. Over the past few years, many of us had to learn the hard way. Now is the time to prepare yourself, your friends, and our future generations for a world full of financial trickery.
The Awesome Island Game is a great way to introduce anyone to the fundamental concepts of personal finance. While no game, single lesson or school assembly can substitute good teaching and a well designed course,
Most importantly - - the Awesome Island Game is fun!
Please <Click Here> to learn more about the Awesome Island Game and how to purchase it.